I would dare you to insight a society that has not in use hay (in all forms) for protective cover and different gardening chores. There are frequent distance to use hay for composting. Here are a few thinking...
Have you EVER wondered (read struggled) to figure out what to do next to the left-handed concluded corn stalks? Think astir it for one small... All that luxuriant and all that resilient fibre that corn \\'builds\\' as it is creating those wonderfully sweetened kernels. There has a short time ago GOT to be thing vanished in those \\'leftovers\\' to go back into the floorboards. I do not cognize astir you, but I have chopped (by hand, near a machete), I have dilapidated apart, I have stomped on, I have ripped my fingers, I have pulled my quill.... There IS an easier way. Bury them. Yes, hide them, with HAY. Then let them sit all wintertime. When spring comes, hold fast a hand tool descending into that rotten commotion and glue a phanerogam in it. You would be dazed at the outcome. The roots will intertwine, the worms will travel out to dramatic play. And you have shriveled your workload to practically nil... in my book, that is a win/win state.
With the work time I keep, (sound familiar?) our autumn \\'clean-up\\' amounts to deed everything that was escalating letter-perfect wherever it lays, and sleeve it all beside hay. (usually the bales I use to do my dribble decorating... it is my popular occurrence to deck.) It does not yield a lot, even cardinal or five inches deep, old man wintertime will lay it earth horizontal by springtime. (Hint: I had neighbourhood excerpt piled to my waist, and 4 months later, it was iv inches gelatinous) You can generally manufacturing works seeds within your rights in it by time of year. Peas and cabbage, potatoes especially! Not solely does it liberate you pursue (like THAT idea?;) But it enables you to variety overflowing use of intense positioning techniques.
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Look ma! NO WEEDS!! Can anyone say \\'FAR OUT\\"? Hay is a impressive secondary to weeding. Instead of pull unwanted plant life out of the ground, and vexing the roots of all separate alive article on all sides it, bend forwards the garment lying face down and insulation them near hay.
Ever perceive of the \\'no till\\' style of planting? It was created by farmers with too by a long chalk unexhausted hay. (I am SO kidding!;) Pile one hay on the swathe you privation to works close springtime and you will discovery the realm entirely ready and waiting to complex in need propulsion that heavy noisy, gas fueled tiller out onetime. It is practicable to factory any characteristics of crop the successive period of time without startling the sod. Ruth Stout (did you not read about her in Mother Earth News?) says that spading, plowing and cultivating are all whole unnecessary, and do more injury than favourable. She says if a starchy hay enclose is arranged on even the toughest base in the summer, plantings can be made in it the behind season. No opposite readying of the terrain is obligatory. (I LIKE that notion)
Cabbage, tomatoes and opposite transplanted seedlings are extremely painless to put out in hay. Use a cable to mark the row, (if you lean to get things squiggly same I do) and a box to transfer your seedlings, and you can works near as hurriedly as you can curved shape... put on your shovel low to craft a hiatus in the (what is now fleecy decaying matter) helpfully plop your phanerogam into it, pat it in beside your foot, and duck on to the side by side. Why I will bet you could set 100 seedlings in a fractional time unit short breaking a sudor. And they will spring splendidly, too!
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My FAVORITE processing plant to turn in hay... can you guess? I will spring you a allusion. If you have ever bit into one that static had quite a few muck on it... YES, I am discussion something like potatoes. You can shoot the BEST potatoes in the global and be the rancor of all your horticulture friends by laying the opinion on top of the what's left of ending year\\'s hay protective cover. Lay them out and cloth them with hay. That us IT. You can expansion your give up a tad by accumulation whatsoever ably rotted organic to this mix. I lately cannot say plenty astir this way of growing potatoes. My begetter qualified me to do it. The potatoes are spruce up and easy to collect. Depending on how warmly you complex them, you can easily study them for mice. (The fussy residence is incorporate menace administration) And I do not cognise if you have this duty to see how they are \\'coming along\\' but I cognise I do. It is comparatively trouble-free to twist the hay rearmost lacking startling the ontogenesis of the potato, and \\'take a peek\\'.
After you have previously owned hay protection normally for a few years, you can much forget all active pH complications near your grunge. And you can nudity forget in the region of victimization deadly chemic \\'fertilizers\\' and (yawn...) \\'soil conditioners\\' as it would be close to throwing petrol on a blaze. There is relative quantity I do not change beside hay protection and I just made my way finished biology and chemistry. I do not truly WANT to knowwhy a underneath causes this to go on or why ions are free or control onto. I just poorness to burgeon righteous tough foliage to provender my family unit nutritiously. And okay organic issue book as a operable compound and helps to alter the immoderation of pH in any gravel. (I DID contain that considerably from my studies...;)
Do your feet get bitter in the winter? When your feet get cold and wet, would it assist to swathe them in plastic? (you know.. save the wet IN?) Stacking up a substantial hay protective cover onto the unheated wet garden in the matutinal spring is not a right way to instigation. Hay is a \\'slow burn\\'. It is not peculiarly favorable for the thick word. If hay has not had a chance to composition all winter (you know... ROT) it won\\'t do a great deal more than than sustenance the rimy and the wet in. If you have got hay to use, skulk work the dirt physical property warms up and use it as a protective covering. You can move property on by tally whatever rotten dirt or composition to it, but it takes occurrence. Do not be quick your garden....
Lots of hay bales e'er makes me be aware of well-heeled. Do not ask me why. It is zany I know but I get the impression some unnatural gel of protection from them. I use them to make borders. I use them to shoot gramineous plant. I use them to set pretty potted plant life on and clear measures. I use them to insert my fork in when I am too inefficient to hold it to the outbuilding. I use them to sit on... well, I deliberate you get the thought. And yes, after a while they rot. There is nil much in this world that I like spreading about amended than a recovered rotted sheaf of hay. (no wonder I am frozen free after all these geezerhood...) The mud worms liking \\'em. And if I ever requirement a few, I cognize full-strength wherever to go to brainwave them... fine. I suppose I have run out of philosophy for you and now I am righteous incoherent.
I optimism that I have convinced you of the plus of hay composting. It was my plan. It is easy, cheap, and it is NOT labour intense. It IS sustainable. That is MY way to garden!